Introduction to Wild Rift Boosting

If you’ve stepped into the universe of online gaming, specifically the vibrant world of “League of Legends: Wild Rift,” you’ve likely heard about the term ‘boosting.’ But what exactly is Wild Rift boosting? How does it work, and more importantly, is it right for you? Let’s delve into these questions.

What is Wild Rift?

“League of Legends: Wild Rift” is the mobile and console adaptation of the highly successful PC game, League of Legends (LoL). It offers a similar gameplay experience but with a shorter game duration, making it ideal for gaming on the go. Just like in LoL, you need to work your way up the ranked ladder to achieve prestigious status, which can be time-consuming and challenging.

What is Boosting in Online Gaming?

In the world of online gaming, boosting refers to the practice where players pay a service to improve their rank in the game. This service is typically provided by high-skilled players who can successfully play on the client’s account and attain a higher rank or by playing alongside them.

Understanding Wild Rift Boosting

The Purpose of Boosting

In Wild Rift, boosting can help players achieve a higher rank faster. This is particularly useful for players who are stuck in a certain rank and want to play at higher levels but lack the time or skill to get there themselves.

How Wild Rift Boosting Works

Boosting in Wild Rift involves a similar process. The player pays a fee to a boosting service, then a professional or high-ranked player logs into their account (or duo with them) and wins ranked games to increase the rank of the account.

The Pros and Cons of Wild Rift Boosting

The Benefits

Boosting can save players a considerable amount of time and effort. It also allows them to enjoy the game at higher ranks and learn from skilled players. Boosting can be a way to break through a ‘rank plateau,’ where a player is stuck at a rank despite their efforts.

The Drawbacks

However, boosting comes with potential risks. It can lead to account suspension if the game’s developers discover it, as it goes against most games’ terms of service. Moreover, boosted players might find themselves outmatched at higher ranks, leading to a less enjoyable gaming experience.

Ethics of Boosting in Online Gaming

While boosting may seem like an attractive option, it does raise ethical questions. It creates an unfair environment for players who invest time and effort to improve their skills. Some argue it diminishes the integrity of the competitive ranking system.

Wild Rift Boosting Services

Choosing a Reliable Boosting Service

If you’ve decided to use a boosting service, it’s crucial to choose a reliable one. Ensure the service has positive reviews and a solid track record. Transparency about their boosters, such as their ranks and experience, is also important.

What to Look for in a Boosting Service

Look for a service that guarantees your account’s safety, offers customer support, and ensures privacy. Remember, you’re entrusting your account to them. Services that offer progress tracking can also be helpful.

Precautions When Using Boosting Services

Always follow safe online practices. Never share personal information and change your password after the boosting service is completed.

Alternatives to Boosting

For those who prefer to avoid the potential risks of boosting, alternatives include investing time in mastering the game, hiring a coach, or watching and learning from professional players.


While Wild Rift boosting can offer quick progression up the ranked ladder, it’s not without its drawbacks. It’s a choice that comes down to individual players’ preference, time availability, and ethical stance. Remember, gaming should primarily be about enjoyment. Whether you choose to use boosting services or climb the ranks on your own, the ultimate goal should be to have fun.